One Community as a Mosaic of Christ - November 26, 2023

We show the face of Christ not only to each other, but to the whole world around us. That is what we are called to do. That is who we are as the body of Christ. We are the image of Christ We become what we receive, the body of Christ to others. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for last weekend. Please feel free to share with others.

Love Like a Grandparent - November 19, 2023

This is your opportunity to be part of God's mission, to be reckless with your love without abandon and to not worry about the logic of math, to just shower your love on them without regard.does with us. The way to inspire us to do that is to be in a little bit of awe, the fear of the Lord, of how blessed we are, what we have now, and understand how blessed we are with what we already have. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for last weekend. Please feel free to share with others.

Finally, I want to close with a THANK YOU and THANK GOD for the gift of life, community, and faith. Please pray for peace in our world and bring that peace into your family Thanksgiving dinner. Use this week to create memory dividends that will pay for years to come and know that connection with family and friends is good for your soul. And if you post online then post good memories with #memorydividends and #goodforyoursoul. See you at Mass next weekend.

Believers and Followers - November 12, 2030

None of us ever want to be “ready to go,”but if we live our lives actively following the Lord and believing, then we will be more than ready for the Lord. We are believers, yes, but we are called to be believers and followers, to be the wise virgins who are ready for whatever the day or the hour the Lord calls us. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for last weekend. Please feel free to share with others. See you at Mass next weekend.

Confidence Bias - November 5, 2023

The Pharisees and the leaders are on the chair of Moses. Jesus tells the people you can do everything they say, but just do not do what they do because they are not practicing.

That temptation is our temptation, to have this overconfidence that we know exactly what God wants us to do at any one moment, and that we have the corner on the truth especially for others.

And that is dangerous! Jesus basically condemns it. And he says we need to be humble, not only before each other, but before God. And so, what are we to do in our own lives? (Read More…)

Here is my homily for last weekend. Please feel free to share with others.See you at Mass next weekend.

Multi-Factor Authentication System - October 29, 2023

A lot of us are hard on ourselves. We set expectations that are way too high and we get down on ourselves. It is very hard if we are down on ourselves to not be down on others and it starts to snowball and roll downhill. We start to change this by accepting God's love for us, accepting that love for ourselves, then loving others and loving Jesus. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for last weekend. Please feel free to share with others.

See you at Mass next weekend.

Render to God - October 22, 2023

When we have a certain sense of humility before God, then we do not get into the sort of the political or religious arguments that the Herodians or Pharisees do in today's Gospel. Because we recognize that God is in charge of all of us and what we are called to do is to love one another. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for last weekend. Please feel free to share with others.

See you at Mass next weekend.

Garment of Christ - October 15, 2023

When we receive here today at this Eucharist, it is not just an optional extra to go out and to do good works. But rather, it is a constituent element of coming here. We are here and if we do not do good works when we leave here, then what sort of scandal does that bring to what we do here? Because then nothing really has happened here. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for last weekend. Please feel free to share with others.

I am currently away on retreat with the priest of the Diocese of San Jose. Please pray for us

See you at Mass next weekend.

Fruit of the Garden of Our Lives - October 8, 2023

If we are not producing fruit in our lives, if there is no evidence for the fruit, then we have to add something to it. We need to do something here. That is the Holy Spirit, and that is the nourishment we receive from this table. This is our work. Then we can enjoy the fruits. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for last weekend. Please feel free to share with others.

See you at Mass next weekend.

Convenience and Cognitive Maturity Biases - October 1, 2023

Today the one son changed his mind, and he went because it required a conversion, an acknowledgement of his need to check his biases, both convenience bias and cognitive maturity bias. Today, may we also check our biases and come to follow the Lord, even if it is inconvenient and grow a little more mature in our discipleship. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for last weekend. This is an audio only recording as I was away from the Parish and only could record. We should be back to the video homilies next weekend. Please feel free to share with others.

See you at Mass next weekend.

Economy of Salvation: Covenant Not Contract - September 24, 2023

It is not a transaction, it is not a contract, it is a covenant. That is our discipleship. The commitment to love no matter what. It is really hard to hear when it is like this, but we are on the recipient end of that love. It is magical to hear. It is magical to experience. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for last weekend. Please feel free to share with others.

See you at Mass next weekend.

The Lord is Kind and Merciful - September 17, 2023

There is no sin that separates us from God’s incredible abundant love. God’s mercy and love are important. It is the context for everything else. It is what the saints mastered and understood; it was not about access to God. It was that God gave full access to all of us, that he was kind and merciful to all. All we have to do is accept it. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for last weekend. Please feel free to share with others.

See you at Mass next weekend.

Harden Not Your Hearts - September 10, 2023

The question for us this week; you are here, and you have come to listen some way, shape, or form. So let us not harden our hearts. May we listen to the voice of God screaming to us through creation, through each other and through our call to reconciliation. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for last weekend. Please feel free to share with others.See you at Mass next weekend.

Lunar Spirituality - September 3, 2023

We need to understand the lunar spirituality of our lives, the seasons, and then allow our hearts to be transformed. Today, we come to the table to be nourished by the Lord, to be refreshed by the Lord, whether in dark or in bright times of our life, we accept and understand, translate where we are at, and allow ourselves to be aligned to the Lord's will, and to follow more clearly. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for last weekend, the last weekend of Summer. I hope you enjoyed the holiday with family and friends. Please feel free to share with others.

See you at Mass next weekend.

Smile and Create Contact Bias - August 27, 2023

One of the challenges is that we all have a bias in how we see things. We tend to see the way we want to see. It reminds me of an old scholastic axiom that I recently reread, and it goes like this; “Whatever is received, is received according to the manner of the receiver.” In other words, we see what we want to see or we see what we expect to see. And we can see that it not only exists today, but existed all the way back in the time of Jesus. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for last weekend . Please feel free to share with others.

See you at Mass this weekend.

Boundary Crossing in Mercy - August 20,2023

The overriding reason to cross a boundary in today's readings is mercy. We cross a boundary when love requires us to cross the boundary, when we are called love; called to move beyond the cultural norms of our time and reach out to somebody in need, then that is what we do. Because love, mercy and justice call us to do so. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for last weekend . Recently, we began using video versions of the homilies so that you can listen and watch. I hope you find that useful. Please feel free to share with others.

See you at Mass this weekend.

Listen to Him - August 6, 2023

There is such a temptation as to capture everything on video these days. Even the Pope has gotten irritated and said, “Will you put down your phones and look at me.” Everybody seems to want a selfie! It is a good thing, but it can go too far. When we somehow forget to be present to the moment. The irony is that it is been going on a long time! (Read more…)

Here is my homily for the Transfiguration of the Lord . Recently, we began using video versions of the homilies so that you can listen and watch. I hope you find that useful. Please feel free to share with others.

It was a great vacation but so good to be back home. See you at Mass this weekend.

People are the Center of Community - July 9, 2023

The Lord says ‘Come to me all who are burdened and labor. Take my yoke upon your shoulder and learn from me for I meek and humble of heart. And you'll find rest for yourselves.” We do that by being present to one another, by being there for one another, by being present in their time of suffering. In the week ahead could we reach out to at least one person and spend 15 minutes listening to them? (Read More…)

Here is my homily for the Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary time . Recently, we began using video versions of the homilies so that you can listen and watch. I hope you find that useful. Please feel free to share with others.

I will on vacation for the next three Sundays. My homilies will begin again after that.

Focus On The Good, Beautiful, True and Love - June 25, 2023

What is the most loving thing I can do right now at this moment when somebody has said something that is very painful to hear, or that something is happening to us that is very painful to experience?” And sometimes it is to just pause and to sit. Because in the darkness there can be a treasure, a treasure of new grace that God will give us. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for the Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary time . Recently, we began using video versions of the homilies so that you can listen and watch. I hope you find that useful. Please feel free to share with others.

I look forward to seeing all of you at next Sunday Masses.

Feel God’s Love and Pass it On - June 18, 2023

There are many lost sheep. There are many without a shepherd. If we could allow God's love into our own lives and to feel that exuberant love allowing it to transformer us. Then we can go out of here joy-filled loving others wherever they are. We spread God’s love. Then we will have lived the gospel completely. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for the Eleventh Sunday of Ordinary time which was also Father's day. Please feel free to share with others.

Happy Father's Day to all and I look forward to seeing all of you at next Sunday Masses.

We Become What We Receive - June 11, 2023

The feast day we celebrate today is the solemnity of the Body and the Blood of Christ and we celebrate this at every Sunday Mass weekly. We believe that the food of this table is spiritual nourishment. We believe this because the Gospel says this is true food and true drink. We believe it really nourishes our spiritual bodies in profound ways. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. Please feel free to share with others.

I look forward to seeing all of you at next Sunday Masses.

Fifteen Minutes to Connect - June 4, 2023

OK, do I have the energy for fifteen minutes of attention? Now” Think about how absurd that question is. Do I have fifteen minutes of energy to pay attention to somebody I love? It betrays what's going on in my life. It betrays what's going on in our lives that we've got too busy. Too distracted, too consumed with too many things that we can't take fifteen minutes every day to connect with somebody whom we claim to love. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for the Feast of The Most Holy Trinity. Please feel free to share with others.

I look forward to seeing all of you at next Sunday Masses.

Voice of the Stranger Among Us - May 28, 2023

Today we celebrate the gift of this Holy Spirit in all of our lives. Let's not be afraid to invite that Holy Spirit into our hearts and to set our hearts on fire so the whole world can know that no one is a true stranger. No one is a true stranger in the body of Christ. All are welcome, and we are called to bring that message alive in how we pay attention to the voice of the stranger among us. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for the Feast of Pentecost. Please feel free to share with others.

I hope you enjoyed the Memorial Day weekend, remembering those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. I look forward to seeing all of you at next Sunday Masses.

I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life - May 2023

Bishop P.J., I say to you today if you remember nothing else from us today, you are loved by God in all your weirdness and wonderfulness. Yes, you are loved by God and us. (Read more…)

Last week, I had the honor of delivering the homily at the Mass of Thanksgiving for Bishop Emeritus Patrick J. McGrath. On this Memorial Day, as we remember and honor those who have given everything for our country, I offer this homily for a man who gave all in service to our God.

Hold Onto Love - May 21, 2023

Today, as we come to the table to celebrate and hold onto love, we do so, so that we can be the messengers to others; so that we can give that love to others. So that the message, the feast, no, the spirituality of the Ascension lives on in you and me. That is why we hold onto love. (Read more…)

This pas weekend, St. Simon Parish was host to the powerful musical called Job: The Now Testament by John Angotti. It was very well attended and we so enjoyed having the cast and crew from all across the country. Many thanks to all who helped and attended.

Where We Do Not Find Love, Put Love - May 14, 2023

Love one another, yes by all means. Especially today, love your mothers but beyond that, we are called to love those who have no one to love; to witness to the God of love. It will look crazy on the outside but that is what we are called to do. “Where we do not find love, put love and you will draw out love.” (Read more…)

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers, living, and with the Lord. And all mother figures in our lives.

I look forward to seeing all of you at next Sunday Masses.

Make Room in Our Hearts - May 7, 2023

In today's Gospel, we find a sense of hospitality, that Jesus is talking about with God, his Father’s house. Jesus says there are many dwelling places in my Father’s house; and I am going to prepare a place for you. He says, he is going to prepare a place for the disciples. ( Read more…)

This past weekend, we celebrated First Eucharist with the children and families. At the beginning of this homily, I am preaching directly to the children. I think the message is still for all of us. I thank God for all of these children who have come to the table of the Lord.

I look forward to seeing them and all of you at Sunday Masses.

Voice Recognition not Speech Recognition - April 30, 2023

Today's gospel tells us that the Good Shepherd is the voice we are called to listen to because he will bring us to all truth; all goodness; and all beauty. We need to make sure that what we are listening to has that voice. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from the Fourth Sunday of Easter . I hope you are enjoying this Easter Season.

Alleluia, He is Risen Indeed!

Walking And Listening to Others - April 23, 2023

There are people in our lives who have lost faith with God. They have lost a relationship with God. They are angry and frustrated like the disciples on the way to Emmaus. There are two things that we need to do: Our role is to be on the periphery, on the edge of the map at the journey of life. It is to minister to them. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from the Third Sunday of Easter . I hope you are enjoying this Easter Season.

Alleluia, He is Risen Indeed!

Gift of Peace in Grief - April 16, 2023

In today’s gospel, understand what is happening; the disciples turned away from Christ. This was their friend and they had walked with him. They had spent three years not just knowing him and listening to him and believing in him but loving him and being his best friend. And then in his weakest moment, they turned away and ran. They turned away. (Read More…)

Here is my homily from the Second Sunday of Easter sometime called Divine Mercy Sunday. I hope you enjoyed this Easter Season.

Alleluia, He is Risen Indeed!

Love Conquers Death - April 8, 2023

What are we to do tonight? We are to testify to that love. We believe in Jesus Christ. We believe love wins over death; and so, we testify by us loving others because when we love one another, we participate in God’s very self; and so, love wins again now. Here and now. (Read More…)

Here is my homily from the Easter Vigil homily. I hope you enjoyed this Easter Weekend and the entire Season.

Alleluia, He is Risen Indeed!

Live the Resurrection in the Crucified Moments - April 9, 2023

We are called to live the Resurrection in our crucified moments. Think of every single moment of weakness and brokenness in our own lives whether it is for ourselves or when it happens to us; or whether it is happening to our world, we are called to put love. We are called where there is bitterness and anger and unforgiveness and hatred and sin, we are called to absorb that in, transform it and give back kindness, gentleness, forgiveness, love. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from Easter Sunday. I will sending the Easter Vigil homily before the end of this week. I hope enjoy this Easter Season.

Alleluia, He is Risen Indeed!

Touch the Unwounded Parts of the Soul - April 7, 2023

Often, we try as ministers and people to help one another but often, often we touch each other’s wounds. In fact, in family life, I don’t know what it is about siblings but we not only touch each other’s wounds, we poke each other’s wounds. We actually go at it and we keep going until they break; even spouses do it to each other. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from Good Friday. I will sending the Easter Vigil homily and the Easter Sunday homily before the end of this week. I hope enjoy this Easter Season.

Alleluia, He is Risen Indeed!

Get Down and Look Up - April 6, 2023

Tonight, we come to change the angle through which we see. And to do that, we have to get down and look up, and stop looking down. Get down and look up. That is what we are called to do. We are called to change our seat; change our angle so that we look up and recognize the unseen; the people who make this world work; the little ones, each and every one of them. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from Holy Thursday, the beginning of the Sacred Triduum. I will sending the Good Friday homily, the Easter Vigil homily and the Easter Sunday homily before the end of this week. I hope enjoy this Easter Season.

Alleluia, He is Risen Indeed!